Rooftop Rendezvous: Gojo x Reader Fanfiction

Rooftop Rendezvous

Rooftop Rendezvous: Gojo x Reader Fanfiction. The Tokyo night hummed with the city’s chaotic lullaby. Neon signs bled into the twilight, painting the sky with a garish beauty. I perched on the edge of a forgotten rooftop, legs dangling over the dizzying drop. The weight of the day, a tangled mess of curses and paperwork, pressed down on me. A sigh escaped my lips, a wisp of white dissolving into the cool night air. Levi x Reader (One Juicy Fanfiction)

Suddenly, a shadow fell over me. I whipped around, hand instinctively reaching for the cursed tool strapped to my thigh. Instead of a snarling curse, I met a pair of the most captivating blue eyes I’d ever seen. Framed by a blindfold, they held a playful glint. “Whoa there,” a voice, smooth as honey, cut through the tension. “Relax, beautiful. A sorcerer like you shouldn’t be so jumpy.” who is maki zenin?

A slow smile, as charming as a conjured illusion, spread across his face. He unfurled an arm, revealing a white-haired man in a high school uniform, a stark contrast to the urban jungle around us. This had to be Gojo Satoru, the strongest jujutsu sorcerer. Why was he here?

A Reluctant Charm

He plopped himself down beside me, ignoring the surprised yelp that escaped my lips. “Nice view,” he said, gesturing towards the glittering cityscape. “Though, I wouldn’t recommend dangling your pretty little head over the edge.” death note anime review

His casualness put me on edge, but there was an undeniable charisma about him. He spoke easily, weaving stories of past missions and playful jabs at the higher-ups. I found myself laughing, tension melting away with each shared joke. Despite his laid-back demeanor, I couldn’t help but sense an underlying strength, a power that pulsed beneath his playful exterior. A Hilarious Mind Game Unfolds in Kaguya-sama: Love is War

Unexpected Training

Days turned into weeks. To my surprise, Gojo started showing up on my rooftop more frequently. He’d challenge me to sparring matches, his movements impossibly swift and precise. My frustration grew alongside my admiration. How could anyone be so naturally gifted? He’d just stand there, blindfold still intact, deflecting all my attacks with a lazy flick of his hand. attack on titan (the unwritten season)

“You’re tense,” he observed one evening, effortlessly dodging a punch I threw with a little too much force. “Relax, feel the flow of cursed energy.”

His words sparked something within me. Slowly, I began to understand. Jujutsu combat became more than just deflecting curses. It was a dance, a harmony between cursed energy and the body. With each session, Gojo pushed me to new limits, a frustrating but undeniably effective teacher. Adopted Into The Forger Family And Finding Your Secret Power

Seeds of Affection

As weeks bled into months, the rooftop became our sanctuary. We’d talk about everything and nothing, sharing dreams and anxieties under the city’s watchful gaze. I learned about his boredom with jujutsu society, his yearning for a world without curses. He, in turn, listened patiently to my struggles, the fear gnawing at me every time I faced a curse. Kyojuro Rengoku Fanfiction~

His presence, a constant throughout the chaos, became a source of comfort. I looked forward to his visits, my heart skipping a beat when I saw that familiar white hair against the twilight sky. Was this… affection? The thought sent a blush creeping up my cheeks.

Protecting What's Precious

Then, one night, everything changed. A powerful curse, drawn to my growing cursed energy, materialized on the rooftop. It lunged at me, a grotesque amalgamation of malice and despair. Fear choked me, but before I could react, Gojo was there. Levi The Evil 

He moved in a blur, his blindfold falling away to reveal those captivating blue eyes. Cursed energy crackled around him as he dispatched the monster with swift precision.


As he turned back to me, his playful demeanor gone, a new emotion flickered in his eyes. “You alright?” he asked, his voice softer than I’d ever heard.

A choked sob escaped me. He pulled me into a gentle embrace, the warmth of his body a stark contrast to the lingering chill of the curse. In that moment, I knew. My feelings for Gojo Satoru, once a seed of admiration, had blossomed into something deeper, something powerful. He wasn’t just the strongest jujutsu sorcerer; he was my protector, my confidante, and maybe, just maybe, something more. anime pfps!

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