Levi x Reader (One Juicy Fanfiction)

Levi x Reader (One Juicy Fanfiction). The frigid wind carved through the crumbling teeth of Trost District, whistling a haunting lament through the empty streets. You were tucked into the shadowed alcove of a stable, meticulously scrubbing away the lingering residue of death – Titan guts and spilled human blood. Your ragged cloak did little to ward off the winter’s bite, and the work was both grim and endless.

But your gaze wasn’t solely focused on the grimy floor.

It was drawn, as it always was, to the imposing figure of Captain Levi Ackerman. He stood amidst the assembled Survey Corps, barking orders with military precision, his teal cravat whipping like a defiant flag in the icy gale. His silver eyes, sharp as the blades glinting in the sunlight, scanned the recruits, dissecting their fear and unearthing every imperfection.

You admired him from afar.

His skills were legendary, his leadership unparalleled, and his icy demeanor… undeniably intriguing. Even from a distance, you could feel the aura of power radiating from him, a chilling intensity that both repelled and attracted. But you were just a cleaner, an invisible cog in the grinding machine of war, an ocean away from his icy gaze.

Fate, however, has a knack for throwing wrenches into carefully laid plans.

As you were scraping at a particularly stubborn bloodstain, a clumsy recruit, nervous under the Captain’s scrutiny, careened into you, the contents of a soapy bucket cascading with an undignified plop onto your unsuspecting form. You stood there, dripping and speechless, feeling the snickers and pitying glances of your fellow cleaners like pins pricking your skin. (the aot op in depth)

Suddenly, Levi was upon you, his shadow engulfing you like a storm cloud. His face, sculpted from frost and granite, contorted in disgust. “Cleanliness is next to Titan-killing,” he snarled, his voice like the rasp of sandpaper on wood. “You look like a drowned rat. Get yourself cleaned up before you contaminate the whole stable.”

His words stung, cutting deeper than any Titan’s claw.

But something in his eyes, a flicker of amusement hidden beneath the harshness, sparked a defiant fire in your belly. You straightened your spine, meeting his gaze with unexpected spirit.

“Easier said than done, Captain,” you retorted, your voice surprisingly steady. “Unless you have a spare towel lying around?”

Levi’s eyebrow shot up in surprise. No one had ever spoken back to him like that, not without facing swift and severe consequences. But your audacity, your dripping defiance in the face of his scorn, struck a chord within him. He grunted, a sound that could be interpreted as annoyance or grudging acceptance, and tossed you a rough cloth from his back pocket.

As you scrubbed the suds from your hair and clothes, you stole glances at Levi. He watched you from under the brim of his cap, his expression unreadable. When you finally finished, your cheeks flushed from the cold and the unexpected confrontation, he surprised you again.

“Report to my quarters at dusk,” he ordered, his voice gruff but not unkind. “I need someone to clean, and apparently, you have a knack for attracting soap.”

And so began your unlikely, soap-scented courtship with Captain Levi.

Initially, it was a strictly professional arrangement. You meticulously polished his quarters while he toiled over mountains of paperwork, his mind lost in the labyrinthine strategies of Titan annihilation. He remained harsh, critical, his tongue a whip honed to perfection. But you noticed a subtle shift in his demeanor. Sometimes, he’d catch you staring, and instead of barking a reprimand, he’d offer a ghost of a smile, a fleeting glimpse of the man beneath the soldier. (levi evil fanart)

As weeks stretched into months, your cleaning sessions became something more.

Levi would engage you in conversation, his voice gruff but curious, asking about your life, your dreams, your fears. He listened intently, his sharp eyes softening whenever you spoke. You, in turn, learned about his past, the heavy burden of lost comrades, and his unwavering dedication to humanity’s fragile survival. You shared your own struggles, the yearning for a life beyond the monotonous scrubbing of barracks and floors.

One particularly harsh evening.

As you finished polishing his boots, Levi surprised you by placing a steaming mug of tea in your hands. You sat together, the silence comfortable yet crackling with unspoken tension, watching the embers dance in the hearth. He told you stories of his childhood, a time before the Titans, when laughter came easily and dreams were unburdened by the weight of war. You confided your aspirations to become a medic, to heal the wounds of war, not just clean them.

The night deepened

The distance between you and Levi seemed to shrink with each passing moment. His hand brushed yours as he reached for another log, sending a jolt of warmth through you. His eyes, usually steely and cold, now held a warmth you’d never seen before.

The unspoken question

When he finally looked at you, the unspoken question hung heavy in the air. Your heart pounded a wild rhythm against your ribs, mimicking the staccato beat of the rain against the stable roof. You leaned in, a hesitant yet determined moth drawn to a forbidden flame. He met your halfway, his lips cool and dry against yours, then warm, then burning with an intensity that mirrored the fire in your soul. (anime museum)

The kiss

It was a kiss unlike any you’d ever known, raw and honest, a clash of ice and fire, of fear and yearning. When he pulled away, his chest heaving, there was a vulnerability in his eyes that you’d never seen before.

“Don’t get the wrong idea,” he rasped, his voice rough with emotion. “This doesn’t change anything. You’re still a cleaner, and I’m still your Captain.”

But his words rang hollow, lost in the echo of his kiss. You smiled, a small, bittersweet victory. “We’ll see about that, Captain,” you replied, your voice laced with newfound confidence.

The journey

Your journey with Levi wouldn’t be easy. The walls still cast their menacing shadows, the Titans still lurked beyond, and the internal politics of the Survey Corps were a venomous nest of vipers. But you knew, as you took his hand in yours, that you had found something precious in the midst of chaos, a love as fierce and enduring as the steel of his blades.

Your story is just beginning

This was just the beginning. Your hands, calloused from scrubbing floors, would learn to bandage wounds just as efficiently. Your eyes, dulled by the monotony of cleaning, would learn to read the battlefield with strategic brilliance. And your heart, once caged by fear, would soar with the freedom of fighting for a future, for love, for Levi.

The harsh wind of winter still whistled through the streets of Trost, but within the warmth of that shared kiss, a different kind of fire had ignited. A fire that promised hope, defiance, and a love story as epic and unforgettable as the struggle for humanity’s survival itself. (rengoku fanfiction)

A new chapter

The end, of course, is just the beginning. This is merely the spark that ignites your shared tale. Where you take it – amidst the clash of blades and whispers of conspiracy, on daring recon missions and intimate stolen moments – is your journey to discover. Write your own chapters, brave soldier, and claim your love story from the jaws of oblivion. Remember, even in the grimmest of battlefields, the heart can bloom with surprising resilience, and a love like yours can rewrite the destiny of the world.

So, go forth, hand in hand with your Captain, and paint your love story onto the canvas of a world teetering on the brink. Defy the darkness, chase the dawn, and remember, sometimes, the greatest cleanings come not from scrubbing floors, but from cleansing the soul with the fire of love. (pfps an anime art)

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