Aya Halday

Levi The Evil

Levi The Evil. Your thumb scrolls through the endless stream of Attack on Titan art, expecting the usual – Levi smirking at a cleaning cloth, Erwin towering over titans, Hange gleefully dissecting… something. But then, it stops. A chill slithers down your spine as your eyes lock onto a Levi you never knew existed. Gone…

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The Truth Behind Evil Deku.

The Truth Behind Evil Deku. The initial shock. Scrolling through My Hero Academia fanart, you’re used to a vibrant tapestry of emerald green and sunshine smiles. Deku, the ever-optimistic underdog, radiating determination with each freckled freckle. Then, it hits you. A Deku you never knew existed. His eyes, once brimming with unwavering spirit, now smolder…

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Delicious in Dungeon Is Coming This January!

Delicious in Dungeon: Winter 2024 – Prepare Your Taste Buds for Adventure! Hold onto your sporks, fellow adventurers, because Delicious in Dungeon Is Coming This January! and ready to tantalize your anime appetite like never before! This Winter 2024 season, get ready to dive into a world where dungeon monsters aren’t just loot fodder, they’re…

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Büchigiri?! The 2024 Crazy Sci-fi Anime You’re going to love!

Büchigiri?! The 2024 Crazy Sci-fi Anime Youre going to love! Buckle Up, Anime Fans, Büchigiri?! Is About to Launch You into the Unknown! Get ready to fasten your seatbelts and blast off into the wild, sci-fi odyssey that is Büchigiri?! This brand new anime promises to be a whirlwind of action, mystery, and, let’s be…

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The History Of Isekai

Isekai: From Folktales to Viral Sensation – A History with Heart (and a Dash of Slime) Buckle up, fellow otaku, for a journey through the fantastical history of isekai! We’ll trace its roots from dusty grimoires to flashy anime, unraveling the mysteries of its rise to popularity. Grab your trusty isekai cheat sheet because here…

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Best Isekai Anime To Watch

10 Isekai Adventures to Transport Your Otaku Soul: Extended Edition! Buckle up, fellow weebs, because we’re about to dive deeper into the Best Isekai Anime To Watch rabbit hole! Brace yourselves for detailed descriptions, juicy spoilers (with spoiler warnings, of course!), and enough otaku humor to fuel your next anime marathon. Get ready to discover…

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