An Unkown Obsession: Mikasa Ackerman x Reader

A Spark in the Gloom

An Unkown Obsession: Mikasa Ackerman x Reader. Mikasa Ackerman. A name whispered with awe and respect within the 104th Cadet Corps. Her stoicism, her unmatched combat prowess – all stemmed from a single, unwavering vow: to protect Eren Yeager. Yet, amidst the looming threat of Titans and the harsh realities of military life, there bloomed another emotion within Mikasa’s heart, a fragile bud pushing through the cracks – an obsession with you. Love Music? Love This Manga!

A Silent Competition

Training became a battlefield of a different kind. Mikasa, always the top student, pushed herself further, a silent competition brewing within. Each maneuver, each conquered obstacle, fueled a silent desire to impress you. She yearned for your praise, a fleeting smile in your direction a greater reward than any instructor’s  commendation. Dive into a World of Rebellion: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion

Nights within the cramped dorms were a test of her composure. The rhythmic snores of her comrades were a stark contrast to the storm raging inside Mikasa. Thoughts of you, your laugh, the way your hair fell over your eyes during training, kept her awake. She’d steal glances at you under the dim moonlight, a fierce possessiveness she couldn’t explain bubbling within her. Sword Art Online: Trapped in a Game of Life and Death (with Lag!)

Mirroring Your Soul

The obsession manifested in subtle ways. Mikasa started subtly mirroring your mannerisms, the way you tucked your hair behind your ear, the way you adjusted your grip on your weapon. She’d meticulously clean your gear, a silent act of devotion in a world devoid of normalcy. You, oblivious to the storm brewing within her, simply smiled in gratitude, fueling the fire further. Haikyuu – One Of The Best Sport Anime’s!

A Test by Fire

Then came the horrors of Trost District. The breach in the Wall, the grotesque sight of Titans, threw them all into a desperate struggle. Yet, amidst the chaos, Mikasa’s only focus was you. Every dodge, every maneuver, was fuelled by a primal urge to keep you safe. The sight of you, fear etched on your face, ignited a ferocious protectiveness within her.

That day, Mikasa saved you. But more than just saving your life, she saved a part of herself. Your grateful smile, your shaky “thank you,” chipped away at the walls she’d built around her heart. In that moment, an unspoken truth hung in the air – her obsession transcended protection, it was a blossoming love. levi fanfiction

A Silent Vow

However, Mikasa remained the silent guardian. Expressing emotions remained a foreign concept. Yet, her actions spoke volumes. The way she lingered by your side after training, the intensity of her gaze when you spoke, the quiet fury that ignited in her eyes whenever someone else got too close – it all painted a picture of a love both fierce and unwavering.

The road ahead was fraught with danger. Titans, political turmoil, the weight of the world threatened to crush them. But one thing remained certain – Mikasa Ackerman, the soldier known for her unwavering loyalty, had found a new purpose: to protect not just Eren, but the one who had unknowingly stolen her heart. Her love, an ever-present shadow by your side, a silent vow waiting to be spoken. anime pfps!

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